Saturday, June 2, 2012


Green with envy.. 808 Tube Screamer clone with some basic mods. I can switch between two types of clipping diodes(silicon and LEDs), and two "fat" modes. No mid hump! This one has more gain at maximum setting, and less at the minimun than the stock screamer pedals. I replaced the input impedance resistor with a higher value(620k) and improved on the freq. response of the tone knob. Higher gain transistors(MPSA18) and a MC1458 op amp. Sounds smooth with silicons and crunchy with LEDs. Awesome! The distressed paint job came out pretty cool...I think..


Ross Compressor

Here's a Ross Compressor clone I built on a BYOC pcb. Very Nice compressor! This one has the attack pot which is a very nice feature. Tantalums like the original had, and I threw in some high quality parts like WIMA caps and metal film resistors. AND... a very nice and mojotastic RCA CA3080E of course.