Listen to your guitar and get a humidifier before winter sets in. The air gets drier during winter months. As we turn up the heat to keep warm this also removes alot of moisture. Humidity is water in the air and is described as a percentage. The ideal humidity level for a guitar is somewhere between 45-55% relative humidity. If the humidity level gets too low it can create problems such as cracks, neck twisting etc. You don`t want it too high either! Hi-end acoustics made out offsolid woods need extra care.
The easiest way to take proper care of your "baby" is to get a "soundhole humidifier". I can highly recommend the Planet Waves Acoustic Humidifier GH. I`ve been using this one for years and it is great! You fill it up with water(distilled) and place it between the strings of the guitars soundhole. To get the most out of a humidifier like this you should keep your guitar in its case when you`re not playin` it. That way you`re creating a little controlled environment for your guitar. A Humidifier needs to be refilled once every week or so. At the moment I`m using the Oasis Humidifier. The cool thing about that one is that it tells you when it needs to be refilled. Cool, huh?
I would also recommend you to get yourself a Hygrometer. With a hygrometer you can keep an eye on the humidity levels in your home, or inside the guitar case.
There`s lots of info on Humidifiers and how to care for your guitar out there. Google is your friend. I wish you a humid winter!